Ruisseau Park ravine forms part of the Blue Willow Stormwater Management (SWM) facility, a quantity control facility built online to a small tributary of Mud Creek in the 1990’s. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff has been causing erosion within the ravine in recent years. The City of Ottawa is undertaking a study to determine the best solution that will protect private and public property from slope instability while minimizing negative impacts to the natural features in the existing ravine and minimizing long-term maintenance requirements. Following a Class Environmental Assessment and functional design of the preferred solution, the City will proceed with a detailed design and construction of the preferred solution.
The City of Ottawa held a virtual public meeting on March 31, 2021, to present the results from the project’s existing conditions assessment.
The presentation slides from the public meeting are available below. More information and background on this project can also be found here.
If you have comments or questions, please contact:
Laurent Jolliet, P. Eng.
613-580-2424 ext. 17149