Just over a year ago, the City of Ottawa approved the Orléans Corridor Secondary Plan for St. Joseph Boulevard; a plan that lays the groundwork for full revitalization of the street and includes much needed design improvements to the streetscape.
A plan, however, is only effective if acted upon and I have been adamant that any opportunity to see progress on the ultimate vision for improving this main artery be pursued. To that end, I recently issued a letter calling on Hydro Ottawa and the City of Ottawa to work in lockstep and invest in the future of our community, to upgrade the aging infrastructure, and bury the overhead hydro lines along St. Joseph.
The Heart of Orléans Business Improvement Association has already made massive strides in beautification and improving the streetscape; but our hydro poles and aboveground lines remain a jarring reminder of missed potential to improve the space.
This work is an integral piece in the beautification of our main street. The City has committed to the vision contained in the Orléans Corridor Secondary Plan, and it imperative that the end result be a place that will draw residents out to our local businesses and create a vibrant community we can all be proud to live in.
Below is my letter, and call to action, for Hydro Ottawa and the City of Ottawa to come together and prioritize this important work.