May 1, 2020
The City of Ottawa will complete the Blair Road Widening for Transit Priority – Innes Road to Blair LRT Station – as a stand-alone Environmental Assessment (EA) Study in accordance with Schedule C of the Municipal Class EA as per the Ontario EA Act. The EA process will involve developing, assessing and evaluating alternatives, leading to a Recommended Plan.
Key elements of the Project include:
- Blair Road widening (Innes Road to Meadowbrook Road).
- Provision for Transit Priority (peak period or bus only lanes) and/or HOV lanes.
- Addressing cycling and pedestrian linkages to the existing network.
A second and final Open House for the Blair Road EA study will be held in the fall 2020 to provide information regarding:
- Recommended design for Blair Road from Innes Road to Blair LRT Station.
- Recommended cross-sections including provisions for accessibility, pedestrians and cyclists.
- Potential ramp modifications at the Ottawa Road 174 interchange.
- Potential project impacts and mitigations measures.
- Opportunities for input to the study process.
- Next steps.
For further information, get on the mailing list and to provide comments, please contact:
Angela Taylor, P.Eng.
Senior Project Engineer
Transportation Planning
Transportation Services Department
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424, ext. 15210