Today, the federal government announced it was joining the City of Ottawa and providing $1 million towards the renovation and expansion of the Blackburn Arena. This renovation is a key infrastructure renewal project for the City, one that invests in the local community to make the arena a more inclusive and functional space. With the federal government providing $1 million, the City of Ottawa is providing the balance of approximately $4 million for the total $5 million project.
“As a city, we need to continue to invest in our community facilities. The arena is a true community hub, where families have come to play sports and participate in events for decades. These investments in our community’s social assets are just as important as other city infrastructure projects, and today’s announcement ensures that we are leaving a legacy to future generations,” said Innes Ward Councillor Laura Dudas.
The Blackburn Arena renovation is the product of much community consultation and negotiation with the different levels of government. The renovation will include two alternate needs rooms, four new dressing rooms, a community multi-purpose space for events, and an expanded front lobby. The proposed project is expected to begin construction in summer of 2020
Still currently in the design phase, the renovation of the Blackburn Arena is expected to be completed in mid-2021.