The City is pleased to announce the second extended Household Hazardous Waste Depot will be held at the Westbrook Snow Disposal Facility (200 Westbrook Road) in Carp. The Depot will be open from Tuesday, August 18 to Saturday, August 22 between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Given that the daily participation numbers were well-below the capacity for the first event (which is capable of accommodating between 2,000 to 3,000 visitors in a day), the decision was made to reduce the number of days from 6 to 5, while maintaining one weekend date for the second depot event.
The same procedures that were in place for the first extended event will be in effect for the second event. However – the City will not be asking residents to align the drop-off of materials with their normal waste collection day (i.e. drop-off can be done on any day, at the resident’s convenience).
As a reminder:
- Upon arrival, residents will be directed into a queue where they will wait their turn to park in a designated area. All vehicles will be spaced accordingly, and residents must remain in their vehicle at all times;
- Residents arriving on bicycles are permitted to drop-off materials, and they must follow the instructions provided by staff on-site;
- The depot will accept household hazardous waste only. No electronic waste will be accepted;
- Residents can bring electronic waste to the Trail Road Landfill facility at no cost or can contact a participating Take it Back member to arrange for proper disposal;
- Due to operating restrictions, bins, totes, gas cans, etc. will not be returned to the resident;
- The last vehicle will be emptied at 4:00 p.m. If the site is experiencing long line-ups, residents may not be able to drop off their material that day.
Details of the third and final extended depot for 2020 will be made available when the location and dates have been confirmed. A key consideration in reviewing locations will be to provide full city-wide coverage, as best as possible, given the restrictions of on-site requirements. As well, similar to the approach taken in preparing for this second depot event, staff will monitor the daily visitor data to inform the recommended approach for the next extended depot event.