Blair Road Widening Public Consultation

Blair Road Transit Priority (Blair Light Rail Transit Station to Innes Road)   Online Consultation September 28 to October 16, 2020   The City of Ottawa has developed a Recommended Plan to widen Blair Road for bus only and high occupancy vehicle lanes. Pedestrian and cycling facilities have also been included along the full…


Updated COVID-19 Restrictions, September 18, 2020

The information provided is subject to change as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, for the most recent information please go to Private gathering restrictions and enhanced masking enforcement in place to reduce COVID-19 numbers The Province of Ontario has restricted gatherings in Ottawa at private residences to 10 indoors and 25 outdoors. This restriction…


Back to School – Safe Transportation for Students

Below are some helpful safe transportation resources for students and families as we begin the new school year: Safer Roads Ottawa – Road S.M.A.R.T.S Program Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA)  Walk-a-Block Program Le Consortium de transport scolaire d’Ottawa (CTSO) Educational Material City of Ottawa Back to School Safety   Parents, always remind your children to:…


OC Transpo Fall Update

Fall Service Returns August 30 OC Transpo’s fall service returns on August 30, to welcome back students this fall, school service resumes, as well as increased trips to post-secondary schools. Customers should visit and use the Travel Planner to see if their regular trips are affected by the return to fall schedules. Schedules are also available…


Carrière Park Now Open!

Following the public consultation I held at the end of 2019 asking residents which of two much-needed park upgrade designs they preferred most, construction at Carrière park began in early 2020. I am happy to announce that this project is now complete! As of this week of August 17, 2020, residents may enjoy their much-anticipated…
