Newsletter February 12, 2024

Clear paths ahead! The pathways and trails that connect us are the heartbeat that truly connects our community.  I am so pleased to say that pathways in Father Richard Ward Park are now being cleared of snow as part of the City Road Crew’s regular beat. Improving our pathways, sidewalks and neighborhood connections is a priority for…


December 2023 Newsletter

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones! This is a special time of year, filled with family, friends and Christmas cheer. I look forward to gathering with my family, exploring the wonderous outdoor spaces here in the National Capital Region, and hope to be able to break out the skis as we roll into the…


Christmas Card Contest 2023

My annual Christmas Card Contest is now underway!   I am inviting elementary students from the community to share with me their best holiday-themed artwork, with one child’s artwork being selected as the cover of my Christmas card this year. Please ensure that each submission is no larger than a letter-sized piece of paper and…
