URGENT Lépine Update:

The Ontario Government’s Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) has set a date for the first hearing in the Lépine development appeal for 3484 and 3490 Innes Road. The hearing has been set for February 25, 2020 at 10:00am at City Hall (110 Laurier Ave W.) in the Keefer Room. This first hearing is required for…


Official Plan Amendment: East Urban Community Phase 3

The City has received a planning application for an Official Plan amendment for the East Urban Community Phase 3 lands. More information about this application can be found on the City’s development application website at the following link: https://app01.ottawa.ca/postingplans/appDetails.jsf?lang=en&appId=__ACYAMX Comments can be submitted to the file lead until January 18, 2020: Robin van de Lande,…
