Councillor Dudas to Table Motion for Additional Crossing Guards

At today’s Transportation Committee, I will table a motion in support of the City of Ottawa funding all 16 warranted crossing guard positions as identified necessary by the City. The City of Ottawa provides crossing guard services for children going to elementary schools at intersections that have met the criteria laid out by the Transportation…


Councillor to Table motion for additional Crossing guards

At today’s Transportation Committee, I will table a motion in support of the City of Ottawa funding all 16 warranted crossing guard positions as identified necessary by the City. The City of Ottawa provides crossing guard services for children going to elementary schools at intersections that have met the criteria laid out by the Transportation…


Community Townhall

Councillor Dudas will be holding a public community townhall regarding development application D02-02-19-0060, the upcoming proposal for the development of 3484 and 3490 Innes Road, by the Lépine Development Corporation. Date: Wednesday, August 21Time: 7:30 p.m.  Location: Orléans Public Library, 1705 Orléans Blvd, Bériault room


Official Plan Workshop

Councillor Laura Dudas is hosting an Official Plan Workshop in partnership with the Rendez-vous des aînés francophones d’Ottawa (RAFO) and the City of Ottawa. Come share your vision for our city. When: Wednesday, August 14Time: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Location: RAFO, 3349 Navan Road Please RSVP to


Stage 2 LRT Project Update

July 22, 2019 to August 4, 2019 Overall Preparatory activities (borehole drilling, top soil stripping, site office mobilization, preconstruction surveys, etc.) are currently underway on each O-Train extension to facilitate the commencement of Stage 2 construction activities in 2019. O-Train Trillium Line South Extension Borehole drilling between Greenboro Station and Bayview Station  Borehole drilling is…


Federal government adds $1 Million to planned arena renovation

Today, the federal government announced it was joining the City of Ottawa and providing $1 million towards the renovation and expansion of the Blackburn Arena. This renovation is a key infrastructure renewal project for the City, one that invests in the local community to make the arena a more inclusive and functional space. With the…


LRT Stage 1 Update

Today, I have been updated with news from OC Transpo having received a submission from Rideau Transit Group (RTG), which in their opinion have reached substantial completion on the Stage-1 Light Rail Transit (LRT) project. The current status of the LRT project is that the train will undergo 12 days of rigorous testing by an…
