Stage 2 LRT Project Update

June 24, 2019 to July 7, 2019 Overall: Preparatory activities (borehole drilling, silt fence installation, site office mobilization, pre-construction surveys, etc.) are currently underway on each O-Train extension to facilitate the commencement of Stage 2 construction activities in 2019. O-Train Trillium Line South Extension Uplands Structures Yard set up Spreading of gravel, temporary road construction,…


Have your say about rink chalets proposed for Bradley Ridge and Patrick Dugas parks

Thanks to the wonderful work of our community’s volunteers, the outdoor rinks at Bradley Ridge Park and Patrick Dugas Park have been incredible community assets. Councillor Laura Dudas would like to support the work that is being done by providing funding from her Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland fund to provide skate changing and storage shelters for…
