Development Application for 6101 Renaud Road

The City of Ottawa has received a Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law amendment applications for Caivan (Caivan Renaud Inc.). The site is located on 6101 Renaud Road. The applicant is proposing to develop the lands with 156 townhouse dwellings, 23 detached dwellings, and a mid-rise condominium block. The amendment is needed to permit new…


Ontario-wide lockdown in effect December 26, 2020

The information provided is subject to change as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, for the most recent information please go to December 21, 2020 – Province of Ontario   As COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other…


Final Belcourt Traffic Plan

The Belcourt Boulevard Area Traffic Management Study webpage has been updated with the final recommended traffic calming plan which has been revised from the previous version of the plan that was included in the June 2020 update. The webpage update also includes the third ‘As we heard it report’ which documents the results from the online survey questions that…


Budget 2021

Draft Budget 2021 is a no-frills budget that strikes a balance between supporting evolving community needs during this pandemic and delivering essential municipal services, while also advancing Council’s priorities. This is integral, both to our community’s recovery and to Ottawa’s future prosperity. Many residents in our community face continued financial hardship; it’s more important than…
