Hello Everyone,
It’s wonderful to resume my regular e-newsletter and to share my deepest appreciation for all the support you have shown me as I return to City Council. I am honoured to represent our beautiful community of Orléans West-Innes!
As your Councillor, I am here to help you. Whether it is with City-related matters, to support community events, or just to chat about issues that are important to you, I am just an email or a call away. My team and I are a resource for you and here to assist.
My goal is to ensure communications from myself, and my office are frequent, timely, and provide important information about our Ward and the City. I do this predominantly through my website, LauraDudas.ca, my e-newsletter, mail-outs, our local newspapers, like the Orléans Star and L’Orléanais, and on social media. This is in addition to our many in-person community activities every week!
The best way to reach me is always via email at Laura.Dudas@ottawa.ca. My team and I see all emails and can respond promptly and efficiently. While social media is a wonderful forum for engagement, sending an email ensures I see your request or comment and I can respond appropriately, with a phone call or sharing with City staff to action.
This newsletter is also a chance to celebrate our community. There are always plenty of fun events and activities happening for all ages in our community and I am always happy to share the details of your event in an upcoming newsletter. I love stopping by a school event, business, street party, community celebration, or a chat with you and your neighbours. So, keep those invitations coming!
I hope you enjoy the information in this newsletter and if there is anything you wish to discuss further. I am here for you.