Over the past several months, OC Transpo has been conducting a City-wide transit service and route review. This review is fulsome, looking at the entire OC Transpo Network and all bus routes.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes to how often and how many customers use transit. With the upcoming opening of Stage 2 O-Train extensions, OC Transpo is reviewing the various factors that are used to shape the bus route network.
The factors OC Transpo is looking at are things such as how far you walk to get to a bus stop, how frequently the bus runs, and the number of people on the bus. Once this review is complete, OC Transpo will have an updated service planning framework. This will guide potential changes to the bus route network in 2024, and beyond, that may be considered in light of changing travel patterns and O-Train expansion.
Route review timeline
Phase 1: Defining the Future of our Bus System (COMPLETE)
Spring 2023
OC Transpo held a customer survey and requested feedback by phone and email. Multiple open houses were hosted across the city.
Phase 2: Designing our Future Bus System (COMPLETE)
Summer 2023
Based on feedback from the survey and open houses, and guided by updated service planning principles, OC Transpo has created a transit service and ridership model and design possible new bus network scenarios.
Phase 3: Recommending our Future Bus System (UNDERWAY)
Fall 2023
Transit Commission and transit riders presented with draft bus network options and routes.
Phase 4: Implementing our Future Bus System (UPCOMING)
Timeline to be determined.
OC Transpo staff have shared the draft proposed routes, which you can find in the document below (updated as of November 16, 2023). I look forward to hearing more from OC Transpo on their plans, and how they will meet the needs of our community with the new proposed service. Make sure to share own feedback on the proposed change by writing to routereview@ottawa.ca, and copy me at Laura.Dudas@Ottawa.ca.