Planning, adjustments, and variances, it can all get seem pretty daunting when you start out. Every year residents in Ottawa apply to build additions to their homes or add a carriage house and it seems like older homes are coming down and 2 homes then go up. As a resident where does one turn to learn more about the planning process, and better understand what all of this means. The City of Ottawa has developed a course to answer just those questions. It is designed for residents that simply want a primer on how development works in Ottawa. You can learn more about the course by clicking HERE.
Alternatively, maybe you would rather just read about the process, and casually learn on your own. You can find the course materials at the buttons below. If you should want to learn more, you can also reach out to the City at
Ottawa’s New Official Plan
The City of Ottawa Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the city and a policy framework to guide the city’s physical development to the year 2031. It is a legal document that addresses matters of provincial interest defined by the Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statement. It also serves as a basis for a wide range of municipal activities. These include the:
- Assessment of applications for new development or redevelopment of land.
- Planning for and approval of public works and infrastructure (such as roads, and parks)
- Guidance to Comprehensive Zoning By-law and changes to zoning
- Planning for new communities and existing areas undergoing change.
- Preservation of natural systems and the wise use of resources
- Consultation and soliciting opinions from the community
To read more about Ottawa’s New Official Plan, CLICK HERE
East Economic Corridor
The City is undertaking a review of land use in proximity to the Orléans Light Rail Transit Corridor and its four future stations. The goal is to prepare a new plan that will guide future development of neighbourhoods that are livable, resilient, affordable, support transit and complementary to existing neighbourhoods. The study will produce plans that identify permitted land uses, height and density of development as well as improvements to pedestrian, cycling and transit connections to and from the future stations.
East Urban Community Design Plan
The East Urban Community is the design plans for the future development of the east portion of Innes Ward, south of Innes Road. To learn more about East Urban Community Design Plans CLICK HERE