Last week, the City conducted a virtual meeting with key stakeholders to present and receive feedback about connectivity plans for east-end light rail transit stations.
I was extremely impressed by the engagement of the East Connectivity Public Advisory Committee, which included representatives from community associations, the business community, Bike Ottawa, accessibility, older adult, and safety groups.
Just a few of the questions that arose from the group involved cycling access and bike parking, pathway lighting to stations, width of sidewalks and multi-use pathway locations.
In addition to consult with the Public Advisory Committee, the City has published its presentation to the Committee online for all residents to provide comment on. The deadline for feedback is April 24, after which time City staff will prepare a report combining all the comments received.
I encourage all Innes Ward residents to take some time to review the presentation and share your thoughts with the City.
The presentation can be found at https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/public-engagement/projects/stage-2-lrt-station-connectivity-enhancement-study
Comments can be sent to stage2@ottawa.ca.