As many of you are aware Halloween is my favourite holiday. It is a time for young and old to let loose, show their creative sides, and is typically filled with fantastic community events.
This year however, the biggest treat that we can give one-another is to be safe and limit our points of contact.
In the spirit of a COVID-WISE Halloween, I am excited to include some online and physically-distanced Halloween activities for the whole family.
Check back at this page between now and October 31 for some great things to do!
— Laura

Halloween Tour
Are your Halloween decorations to die for?
As a safer alternative to trick-or-treating, take a tour of Halloween-themed homes throughout the ward.
Ottawa Public Health
Instead of trick or treating: Be HalloWise
H: Haunt your mind by sharing scary stories with friends on Facetime or Zoom.
A: Adapt your celebration by trick or treating inside with the people you live with or with your chosen social support person(s) if you live alone. Think an Easter Egg hunt but Halloween themed.
L: Limit your in-person celebration to those you live with or your chosen social support person(s) if you live alone.
L: Launch a virtual competition with your neighbors for the best outdoor Halloween decorations.
O: Organize a virtual costume party with your friends.
W: Watch scary or fun movies with the people you live with or your chosen social support person(s) if you live alone.
I: Inspire your costume around a mask… how can you create the most thematic 2020 costume?
S: Show kindness by sharing photos, or connecting virtually, instead of hugs with your loved ones who are more at risk.
E: Eat a fun and spooky meal you’ve made with those you live with or that chosen social support person(s) if you live alone.