Smart Planning in South Orléans: A Roadmap for Sustainable Growth

February 1, 2020   At last week’s Joint Planning and Agriculture and Rural Affairs meeting, I brought forward a Direction to Staff that specially addressed the lack of transportation infrastructure in Notre-Dames-des-Champs, Bradley Estates, and the greater South Orléans communities. Urban boundaries, intensification, and growth management are all terms that Ottawans have been hearing coming…

Lepine Decision – January 8, 2021

Ontario’s Local Planning Appeals Tribunal dismisses Groupe Lepine’s appeal regarding the development of 3484 and 3490 Innes Road   The Tribunal announced their verdict today and have dismissed the appeal from the developer. The Tribunal agreed with the arguments and concerns raised by the City and our Community to the over-development of the lands at 3484 and…

Development Application for 6101 Renaud Road

The City of Ottawa has received a Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law amendment applications for Caivan (Caivan Renaud Inc.). The site is located on 6101 Renaud Road. The applicant is proposing to develop the lands with 156 townhouse dwellings, 23 detached dwellings, and a mid-rise condominium block. The amendment is needed to permit new…